To Access the Webinar Series go to the following link to register and you will be given the link to login at the time of the programs. The same link will be used for all 4 programs. HTP
Go here to register:
*Registration Form URL:* http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=ED58DC81844E3A
Special Webinar Series: Temple of Ancient Egypt and their Mystical Significance by Dr. Seba Dja Ashby
When: April 23 to May 14, 2019
Tuesday Nights from 7:30 to 9:00 PM
Mystic Spirituality of The Temples of Kemet (Ancient Egypt) 4 Week
Introductory Course
Peace and Blessings
Seba Dja (Oodja) Ashby
Sema (Ancient Egyptian Yoga) Institute
Temple of Aset (Isis)
Friend Me On FB: Seba Dja https://www.facebook.com/seba.dja.9https://www.facebook.com/seba.dja.9General Website: www.egyptianyoga.com
Listen to Free Ancient Egyptian/Kemetic Music playing on our website
For ordering books, CD’s, DVDs: http://www.egyptianyogabooks.com
Kemet University Online Studies: https://www.egyptianmysteries.org/
Phone/Fax: 305 378 6253 (email best however)
Like Our FB Page: Egyptian Yoga – Sema Institute of Yoga
Peace and Blessings
Seba Dja (Oodja) Ashby
Sema (Ancient Egyptian Yoga) Institute
Temple of Aset (Isis)
Friend Me On FB: Seba Dja https://www.facebook.com/seba.dja.9https://www.facebook.com/seba.dja.9General Website: www.egyptianyoga.com
Listen to Free Ancient Egyptian/Kemetic Music playing on our website
For ordering books, CD’s, DVDs: http://www.egyptianyogabooks.com
Kemet University Online Studies: https://www.egyptianmysteries.org/
Phone/Fax: 305 378 6253 (email best however)
Like Our FB Page: Egyptian Yoga – Sema Institute of Yoga