On this page you will be able to register for the Kemet University Egyptian Mystery School courses.
Simply scroll down to the payment link for the course you have received approval for and you will gain access.
CLASSROOM Egyptian Mysteries Training Level 1:
The Egyptian Mysteries Level 1 Initiation course is not conducted like ordinary western university programs. It consists of a set number of lessons in which students are asked to work through video lectures, audio lectures or book readings. Then they are required to post answers to questions or write short essays. Those posts are then reviewed by Dr. Muata Ashby and or Dr. Dja Ashby.
The review of the posts is conducted in a manner dedicated to intensive spiritual evolution. That requires quality handling of each student’s posts and assignments. Each post is reviewed in a live interactive setting online where all students can benefit from the interaction and discussions while you receive direct feedback on your assignments. This provides an optimal opportunity for spiritual evolution in keeping with ancient standards of the Ancient Egyptian temple mysteries that Dr. Ashby has documented over the last 28 years.
Each new student should understand:
- Your posts will be reviewed in order of the postings. Due to the number of students it may take 2-4 months before your posts are reviewed,
- In the mean time you will be able to see and review the posts and reviews of other students and after a short waiting period you will gain access to the live review sessions.
- This program has been purposely setup in this way to allow the students to participate in multiple recurring sessions in order to allow opportunities for hearing and reflecting on the teachings of the Egyptian Mysteries – which cannot happen by reading a book or listening to a lecture. It is important to hear the teaching from varied angles, each introducing new nuances that promote positive physical, mental and spiritual evolution. This procedure allows the teachings to become firmly assimilated and for complexes and issues of the personality to be worked out. This is the real initiatic process. Initiation is not an event but rather a process of evolution that occurs in degrees over time. Therefore, this is a process setup for mature and serious spiritual aspirants.
- Once you have completed a lesson and posted your answers, you may proceed to work though the next lessons and assignments even if your previous posts have not been reviewed yet – they are in the queue.
- Once you have completed all assignments and posts of the EM-1 Initiation class you will not be charged additional fees and you may stay in the class until all your posts are reviewed. You are expected to attend classes so as to receive the nuances of the teachings that arise when varied posts, other than your own, are reviewed.
- If you have any further questions please contact us for further clarification.
SUMMARY: Goals and Objectives:
The Egyptian Mysteries of Matter classroom is designed to be a very low intensity self-paced introductory classroom to introduce the lay aspirant to the basic teachings of Shetaut Neter and Sema Tawi spirituality.
- This classroom focuses on the Egyptian Mystery teachings related to human existence, the nature of religious process, the stages of religion and paths of yoga disciplines as well as how to become founded in the physical nature.
Use the link Below to register for the Level 1 Egyptian Mysteries study program
$42.00 Monthly
CLASSROOM Egyptian Mysteries Training Level 2:
SUMMARY: Goals and Objectives:
The Egyptian Mysteries of Myth classroom is designed to advance the serious aspirant by affording an opportunity to gain firm understanding of the culture and mythic wisdom teaching of Neterian spirituality through the study of the mythic wisdom of the Asarian Resurrection teaching of Shetaut Neter including Maat philosophy, meditation and Devotion practice. This will be accomplished through concentrating on the mythic teaching of the Asarian Resurrection through an extended lecture series that was conducted by Sebai MAA.
REGISTRATION STEPS – Read first before continuing
Registering to join the classroom is a two stage process. A-First you will Login to the School site and gain access to the lessons. B-Then you will register and login to the Forums so you can communicate via text and post your assignments. The steps to accomplish this are listed below.
Go to http://www.egyptianyoga.com/AsaruCollege/ and login on the right of the screen using your account credentials provided
STEP 1-Once you pay for your membership you will receive a welcome email with your login information for the classroom you paid to join.
Once you log in you will be navigated to your Home Page. In order to set up your Forum login credentials click on the first lesson. A “Forum” is a discussion area where you can post assignment and communicate with other students and the teacher.
STEP 3: Login and go to My Content
Step 4: Now click on the class lesson you are working on. Here you can access the lesson audio, video lectures and book readings and any other materials.
Step 5: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the discussion forum topic you want to enter
Step 6: enter the forum topic you want to make a comment in
For those who are not registered and are interested in registering to attend the courses, please send an email requesting information about the application process.
For More information send email to Seba Het Neter-Kemet University Divinity School.